The Asterion Order

While the human race originally began its expansion into the stars many millennia before the current Stardate, its progress can be measured through specific pivotal moments that have occurred across the history of the species.

Year 2903 - The first terraforming

operation of Mars begins

Due to incredible leaps in medical technology, the average human lifespan increased to around 150 years. This resulted in the inevitable growth of the human population over the next several centuries. This rapid increase eventually reached a breaking point in the year 2893 when it was officially declared by the United Nations that Earth had become overpopulated. Less than one-third of Earth's original oceans remained, bled dry from the demanding needs of its inhabitants and the endless forward march of industrialization. Its lands were filled with massive hive cities built upon layer after layer of civilization each reaching thousands of feet high. These megacities were filled to bursting with the ever-expanding human populace. Crowded streets and hungry mouths became a normality amongst their people. Genocidal culls of the population and Civil Wars were waged across the planet as humanity desperately fought over what little resources could be salvaged. What little remained of the governing bodies at the time realized something had to be done. Earth simply didn’t possess enough resources to sustain humanity any longer. They turned towards the steadily progressing space program and the potential of terraforming technology. A decree was signed that would see the various governments of Earth come together in a common cause, donating trillions of dollars, as well as countless precious resources, collectively to further the development of this technology. In the year 2903, just 10 years later, the first terraforming mission was launched. The mission's target would be Mars, dubbed the most suitable test subject. After nearly a century of trial and error, the mission was declared a success. Humanity had finally colonized another world and, in doing so, saved itself from extinction. Mars' success would be short-lived, however, as another outstanding discovery in the realm of space travel would set humanity on the fast track from a few planets-wide civilization into a multiple systems spanning Empire.

Year 3011 - The Berkins Drive

The first notable evolution of humanity’s expansion into space came in the form of the David Berkins Drive. A genius scientist by the name of David Charles Berkins created a new drive system that could be implemented into space-faring vessels to expedite the rate at which the human race would be able to trek across the great unknown. He named this piece of equipment, the Berkins Drive. This revolutionary discovery to fuel efficiency and overall power output allowed humanity to traverse the stars at near-light speed. Within just a few generations the solar system was colonized and terraformed into a glowing beacon of civilization. A new authority was born in the form of the United Federation. This republic would see all planets within humanity’s space-born expansion represented equally under a common banner. The Federation's reach began extending further into neighboring systems. New species of intelligent xenos lifeforms were discovered. Wars of conquest were waged against some, and diplomatic alliances were formed with others, but even with their incredible advancements in space-bearing technology, humanity's growth would inevitably be slowed. That is, of course, until the star guides arrived.

Year 4009 - The first Star Guide is born

The universe holds many secrets within its dark solemn corners. One not well-known until relatively recently is that the universe, as it is perceived, is actually one-half of a whole. There are two realms in reality. And while these two realms are mirrors of each other, their inhabitants couldn’t be more apart. The first is the realm in which humanity and various xenos species reside. This half has been labeled the galactic realm. It is a land of mortals and science. Where logic and fact reign supreme. The second half is known as the celestial realm. Within this land magic and fantasy become reality. Within this land beings, akin to Gods, stride amongst the stars. These celestial beings come in various shapes and forms. Some are powerful enough to watch over entire solar systems from their celestial thrones with ease, but none come close to the true rulers of the realm. The nine divine archangels and the seven sinful demon lords wage a war that transcends time and space. Amongst these all-powerful celestial beings resides the archangel of hope, Kalmiya. While the protectors of the celestial realm are often observed to favor humanity, it is Kalmiya who treats the species as if they were children born from her very own womb. It is because of this love and her desire to see the species thrive that she bestowed a blessing upon humankind. The creation of the star guides.

The first Star Guide was a spacer by the name of Julius Forger. He served as a navigator on the U.F.N. Herald of Truth in the year 4009. While underway on a reconnaissance mission into the Geonebula system he reported seeing strange visions while stationed upon the bridge of the vessel. Not long after, the bridge crew reported Julius slumping over unconscious in the navigator position. Medical staff onboard conducted a thorough analysis of Julius but could find no indication of any detectable illness. He reported to the medical personnel onboard that he received immeasurable pain in his temples before blacking out from the intense pressure. After a few days' rest, he returned to the bridge of the Herald seemingly unchanged. That was, of course, until a violent storm descended upon the Ship without warning. This unknown anomaly tore at the vessel's titanium skin attempting to tear it asunder with unimaginable ferocity. Julius clung to his navigation chair as his mind filled with thoughts of his home on Plovian II. Suddenly a rift in space appeared just short of the bow of the vessel. The venerable captain of the vessel, Major Leandro Calcian, made a crucial decision in that pivotal moment. Determining the risk of the glowing portal positioned just to the fore of his beloved vessel to be less immediate than the raging storm desperately attempting to rip it and his crew apart, the major commanded his ship into the breach. Moments later, the Herald of Truth wrenched its way back into reality above the world of Plovian II. This pivotal moment in history started a chain reaction of similar events throughout the galaxy. Humanities’ finest scientists began extensive research into cases matching Julius Forger. It was discovered that all of these individuals possessed a strange mutation within their cranial structure that marked their ability to harness this newfound power. These humans were granted the designation Star Guide. 

It wasn’t long before the abilities of these Star Guides ushered humanity into a new era of void travel. Destinations that used to take years to arrive were reached in mere hours. A second gold rush with the goal of colonizing systems of planets exploded as the United Federation sought to lay claim to world after world. Many of these planets belonged to Xenos life forms which had no desire to join the Federation. These flames of resistance were extinguished by the overwhelming might of humanity as it conquered its way across the stars. But at the pinnacle of its greatest, a shift would occur. This change would not take place in the realm of mankind, but instead, a betrayal would stir the very foundations within the home of the celestials.

Year 5200 - The Great Betrayal

What is Pride? What is Gluttony? There are many within the churches of humanity who believe these to be sins of mankind. However, what if these sins were given form? Imagine they could walk, talk, and act like any other living thing. They have names and families, goals, and ambitions. They feel love and pain the same as men and women do. What if the existence of these “sins” began with the most virtuous of intentions? To call Gareth, the prince of pride, or Radroth, the prince of gluttony, some kind of preordained blight on the galactic realm is to believe the mad ravings of the clergymen within the church of Kalmiya. In their ignorant beliefs, Gareth and Radroth were always evil creations hellbent on destroying mankind and the celestial realm along with it. But the truth is they were not always known as the Fallen. They once stood alongside the greatest of the Archangels clad in the very brilliance that those same clergymen would worship to near insanity. For millennia the seven demon lords of the celestial realm waged a ceaseless war against the Archangels. And for millennia the nine divine Archangels held them at bay. Occasionally their ironclad defenses would fail. When the galactic realm saw unthinkable turmoil in an age long before mankind had even taken its first steps the demonkin slipped from the grasp of their jailers and into the realm of reality. Absolute chaos followed in the wake tearing a massive scar across the endless void that can still be seen to this day. It was only due to the efforts of ancient heroes that the demons were inevitably dispelled back to their realm and the great Archangels tightened their grip around their shackles once more. But even that darkest of times seems like a flickering candle compared to the inferno that raged within reality when Gareth and Radroth fell to darkness. The demons lurched forward into the galactic realm shattering their celestial bindings. With the addition of the two new fallen angels, the scales had forever tipped in their favor. The galactic realm was set ablaze with the ferocity of a millennium's worth of spite and hatred. Cultures and colonies that took countless generations to build were destroyed in mere moments as the first great rifts tore their way into reality spilling forth their endless payload of demonkind. Entire species were wiped from the realm without even the slightest sign they had ever existed. But it was humanity that was hit the hardest during the long night. The global spanning empire of the United Federation was brought to its knees in short order. Humanity desperately fought against the raging tides of demons, but none could stand, and mankind was dragged to the precipice of extinction. That is until the Order appeared.

Year 5225 - Saviors of Humanity

The brotherhood of the Asterion Order draws its roots back to the days when wars were waged over the holy lands of ancient Earth. It was during these early days of humanity Abraxos, the Archangel of Justice, would form the hidden Order and bestow a secret mission upon them. They were to be his guardians of the galactic realm, protecting the sacred relics and blessings of the Archangels. These noble warriors would fight a war in the shadows to push forward the progress of mankind. But the Order would need the fiercest and most powerful warriors to win this never-ending battle. And so they created the Sentinels. The ancient Knights of the Templar Order would recruit young warriors who showed the potential to inherit the power of their celestial guardians. These squires were trained rigorously in the ways of combat until they wielded their weaponry with absolute perfection. Blessed with the gifts of the archangels these warriors would ascend to become demi-gods walking amongst mortals. Stronger, faster, and standing nearly eight feet tall, these super soldiers would become the protectors of humanity. It is because of the Sentinels that mankind remains to this day. In their darkest hour, the Asterion Order came to the forefront of humanity. It’s warriors clad in suits of power armor unknown to even the greatest engineers. They wielded weapons blessed by the Archangels themselves with unyielding proficiency. Shattering the demonkin the Sentinels became a wall within a raging sea. Slowly, they reclaimed the core worlds of humanity and established a foothold once more within the great void. With the United Federation destroyed, the few existing governments that remained declared the Asterion Order the new empire of humanity. They elected 13 lords from within their ranks to serve as the shepherds of this new era. And so that brings our timeline to the present day.

Year 5250 - The Asterion Order

The Empire of the Asterion Order stretches across the multiple systems that humanity still controls. They wage an endless crusade across the stars to reclaim the lost worlds of mankind. But while the Sentinels are without equal in terms of combat prowess, they are few in number, and so the Order must rely on its many branches to assist in this monumental endeavor.

The Great Houses

The Great Houses encompass a large portion of the Order. Each is responsible for the recruitment and training of squires to one day be elevated to the rank of Sentinel. These Sentinels will continue to serve the lords of their houses without question until their vigil ends. There are 13 Original Great Houses. One for each of the High Lords. Many lesser houses have since been established due to the ever-increasing demands of the ongoing war effort.

The Sovereign Sisters

This branch within the Order is made up entirely of women. Trained in all manner of statecraft and governance they work ceaselessly to ensure humanity’s political allies and enemies are managed accordingly. Their agents are trained in the ways of infiltration and assassination in order to quell rebellions within the Order before it can fester into the public eye.

The Constabulary

This branch of the Order makes up the law enforcement and planetary defense forces utilized to maintain peace within the reclaimed worlds of humanity. While the Order wages its crusades, these protectors are needed to keep their worlds safe from the inevitable incursions of the demonic legions.

The Ecclesiarchy

Some believe this branch of the Order to be the true heart of its success. The churches of the seven archangels continue to pull in the masses consoling them in their hour of need and enlightening the people with their steadfast faith. It is the power of these beliefs that fuels the archangels and strengthens the Asterion Empire in turn. The preachers of the seven churches wade across the battlefield, litany in hand, as their faith guides them and their followers into battle.