The Rustborn Clan

There are many beast-like races within the Galactic Realm of Vindictive. However, few have had such as dark and tragic history as the Ratfolk of the Rustborn Clan. Long ago, a chance meeting with the Volsung would set the Rustborn Clan spiraling into a galaxy-spanning war. At first, the Clans attempted to make peace with their fellow Beastfolk. But the Volsung saw them as weak and inferior in comparison to their almighty strength, not even fit to walk in their shadow. The Volsung spat insults at the Rustborn, calling them cowards for using machines and poison to defeat their enemies. Where the Volsung preferred sheer power and brawn, the Rustborn used their superior intellects and cunning. They enslaved the Ratfolk, chaining them to their machines as a warning to those who would resist. When they finally struck back the Rustborn were declared prey by the Volsung, and over the next several hundred years, they would hunt the Ratfolk to near extinction. With their hunt satisfied, the Volsung left the remnants of the broken race to rot. But ever resistant is the will of the Rustborn, and slowly, their numbers began to return. Soon they burst from countless worlds, returning in strength to the fore. Many Volsung tribes were enraged by this show of defiance and called for another hunt. But this time would be different. Hundreds of years of preparations have seen all manner of new machines and devices crafted. Eager to unveil their new creations, the Clans are reunited in purpose. The Rustborn are back. The Rustborn are ready.

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