The Dorsatum

The Dorsatum are a newer race to the universe of Vindictive. Evolved from Lizardlike creatures, the Dorsatum would be described by some as primitive in nature. While their race may be young, they are fierce and well-organized warriors. Their military prowess proving to be a threat to even the demons of the Igneous Legion. Said to resemble the ancient Roman Armies of Old Earth, the Dorsatum’s natural knack for tactics and strategy have made them conquerors of many solar systems. They still hold to their primitive nature in many regards, striding into battle atop giant beasts similar in appearance to the dinosaurs of old. Their ferocity in battle causes many opponents to flee in the face of their primal fury. To some, they appear as blood-crazed conquerors bringing galaxies under heel, but there is a darker secret to the Dorsatum. An ancient evil, responsible for both their success and their inevitable fall should they fail to stop it in time.

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