The Igneous Legion

In the darkest pits of the Celestial Realm, down far below where the light dares touch, there resides the realm of demons. These corrupted souls serve the dark lords of the Igneous Legion. For countless years the seven Demon Lords have struck back against the divine Arch-Angels of the Celestial Realm in a desperate attempt to break free of their shackles. Finally, fate has given them their chance. With the betrayal of two of the coveted Arch-Angels, the scales have forever tipped into darkness’ favor. Rift Tears have begun to work their way through the veil into the Galactic Realm where the other races of Vindictive reside. Through these tears pour millions of demonkind at the behest of their corrupted masters. Worlds burn, and races are extinguished from existence. The Legion will repay the Arch-Angels of the Celestial realm for their pretentious arrogance ten-fold, by destroying the very precious universe they are sworn to protect. Finally, the age of mankind is through. The age of the demon has just begun.

Lore Section Coming SOon