The Volsung

The tribes of the Volsung are nomadic in nature. Never remaining still for long in one place, preferring to live aboard massive spaceships, each capable of sustaining millions of lives. From these monstrous life ships, the warrior tribes launch their raids and conquests across the galaxy. Aboard their ships the Volsung lead a simple lifestyle. Made up of the many Beastfolk races within the Galactic Realm, the Volsung follow a strict code of honor. They believe that strength is the way forward for their tribes and the only way to lengthen their legacy. The Volsung are widely feared by most other races within the galaxy, however they are just as equally respected. Because of their code the Volsung see unarmed and demilitarised species as inferior and unworthy of their attention. Due to this belief innocents are othen sparred even when conducting raids. There is simply no glory in defeating a foe that cannot defend itself. As void rifts have begun to form across the Galactic Realm the Volsung have discovered a worthy foe in the Demonkin spilling forth from these tears in reality. It is due to this discovery that the tribe leaders have declared a great hunt of the demons inorder to sasiate their growing hunger for battle. Now, the tribes of the Volsung scour the galaxy looking for a taste of true combat that few remaining factions are still able to provide.

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