The Stargazers

One of the oldest living races in the universe of Vindictive, the Stargazers have seen the rise and fall of countless empires, tribes, houses, and any other manner to describe the reign of kings and queens. Through all of it, they have watched and waited. Ever since they reached a fragile truce with their ancient rivals, the Ashenforge, the Stargazers have sworn off combat in all its forms. Instead, using their superior technology to chart the stars and study various phenomena throughout the universe. They have terraformed and cultivated thousands of worlds for the betterment of the races within the Galactic Realm. To many, they are even seen as gods thanks to their advancements in every form of technology. However, void rifts have begun to form as millions of demons wrench their way into the Galactic Realm, and countless worlds have been stripped bare by their Legions. Many among them once belonged to the Stargazers. Collectively the remaining clans of the Stargazers have decided to break their oath from a time long pass and return to the fore. Incredible machines once designed for a peaceful purpose have been remade in the shape of war engines. Ancient tomes of battlefield strategy and combat techniques have been unshelved and used to raise a new generation of warriors. The Stargazers have had centuries to find and build their peace, but the Legions have stolen it from them in a fleeting moment. Now the demons and all that stand in the Stargazers’ way must pay the price.

Lore Section Coming SOon